The agricultural subsoilers with seven ploughshares represent a significant step in the evolution of agricultural tillage. These highly specialised tools play a crucial role in preparing the soil for cultivation, contributing greatly to improving its structure and fertility.
The subsoilers consist of seven tines shaped and angled forward, mounted on a sturdy frame. Once connected to the tractor's three-point hitch, they can be manoeuvred smoothly across the field to perform even and efficient soil subsoiling, ensuring optimal results.
Careful planning of the use of agricultural subsoilers in the cultivation cycle is essential. This is usually recommended during periods such as autumn or winter, when the soil can benefit most from aeration and nutrient enrichment. However, it is important to avoid working the soil immediately after heavy rainfall or when it is excessively dry, as this could compromise the effectiveness of the process.
I ripuntatori per trattore offrono numerosi vantaggi significativi per gli agricoltori:
In summary, the agricultural subsoilers are a key resource for modern farmers, contributing significantly to improved productivity and soil health, and playing a central role in growing successful crops.