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Garden Seeders

Garden Seeders

With the advent of warm weather, almost everyone desires to beautifying their garden with ornamental flowers, but also to create a small vegetable garden for their own production of seasonal vegetables. All this requires the use of a handy and practical tool, intended for these purposes: The Seeder.

Purchase guide

Buying a convenient seeder can be a convenient solution to many gardening problems.
Here is a short list of the main aspects to consider before purchasing this tool:

  • Seeds enter the soil correctly, without creating air bubbles;
  • Seeds are planted at the optimum depth for sowing;
  • The correct amount of seeds per square centimetres of soil is sown;
  • The machine is able to create precise and tidy rows, leaving the right spaces for the desired crop.

Other possible aspects to evaluate may be:

  • Size of the field to be sown: This is an important aspect when choosing the most suitable seeder for your needs, usually the size of a vegetable garden or home garden reaches a max. of 4000 s.q. m.;
  • Its manoeuvrability: The location of the crop involves the manoeuvrability available and consequently that of the tool to be used;
  • Reliability: This aspect may include the amount of seeds that can be safely and properly contained in the tank;
  • Soil conditions: What degree of tillage is required for the seeder? The characteristics of the machine must be assessed according to the type of soil where it will be used.

Garden seeder models:

Hand-pushed garden seeders:

These types of seeders, despite their name, are not always moved by hand. Their name derives from the fact that they require to be moved as if you were pushing them.
These tools are very often self-propelled, thanks to wheels mounted on the frame, but they can also be manual, making them lighter and more practical.
Thus, thanks to their great functionality, it is possible to sow a considerable amount of seeds in a completely professional way.
Hand-pushed garden seeders finally dig a small furrow and then deposit a specific amount of seed chosen by the Operator.

Manual garden seeder:

These models are easier-to-use than hand-pushed seeders, consisting only of a tube to be held in the hand and from which the seeds fall down to the soil.
They feature a quality/price ratio that make them compatible with the needs of all users, allowing greater control over the single seeds to be planted.

Seeding effectiveness:

The efficiency of different machines used for sowing can be measured in various ways, such as the time and effort they save us and the number of not wasted seeds during the process.
Garden seeders can also be pre-set, i.e. the Operator can’t adapt them to his or her own needs, as especially the hobby models are directly factory pre-set.

All you need for Soil tilling and land care . A range of over 7 Garden Seeders at the best price sale on the online market.
Our 2024 AgriEuro catalogue is constantly enriched and updated showing competitive prices from € 70.25 up to € 248.24