Battery-powered electric sprayers allow herbicide treatments in outdoor spaces.
Thanks to this innovative system, one operator can cover the same area of 3 operators using a standard backpack sprayer.
Furthermore, its low weight makes work more comfortable.
Therefore, it is particularly suitable for treatments in sloping areas.
Thanks to the Volpi patented system, the battery-powered electric sprayer can treat a large amount of surface with the minimum amount of product.
In fact, the ULV (Ultra Low Volume) diffuser disc with drops between 250 and 300 microns, allows to treat an area between 1.2 and 1.5 metres according to the working height.
This feature is fundamental for treatments in areas where quality weeding and very high protection are required.
The sprayer can be quickly folded to allow easy storage.
Strengths of Jolly sprayer:
- Speed - 1 hectare in 2 hours, unlike normal pumps which allows you to work 1 hectare in 12 hours;
- Running time - 5 fewer fillings than normal pumps (for the same amount of work);
- Convenience - 20 L/hectare against 300 L/hectare of normal pumps;
- Herbicide savings;
ATTENTION batteries not included.
The product also works with classic torch batteries
or with the lithium battery + battery charger kit